You may be wondering where we’ve been and what we’ve been up to for the past five months. We’ve got some good excuses for not posting; here are a few of the highlights.

In August, we watched the Olympics opening ceremony with our neighbors in the Garden Court. Elizabeth had a birthday.

We also got a new roof.

In September, we went to Washington, D.C. – Elizabeth for a workshop, Timothy as a birthday present to himself. Timothy’s mom Joanne and step-dad Bob joined us for a few days.

In October, we did our part to help defeat a local proposition that would’ve hurt the Mueller development.
Over the past few months, we’ve transformed our bedroom from this…

… to this, with a new bed and bedding from West Elm and furniture Elizabeth’s parents found at an estate sale. Fresh paint and new curtains are forthcoming.

Speaking of curtains, Elizabeth made more than a few in time for Christmas. We hosted nearly 20 family members for Christmas Eve dinner: Elizabeth’s mom Wilma, dad Steve, Aunt Elaine and Uncle Richard, and cousins’ dog Catalina; Timothy’s mom and Bob, Grandma Noreen, Grandpa Frank, Uncle Gary, Aunt Becky and Uncle John, cousins Dustin, Jack, Cody, and Riley, sister Teresa, Teresa’s roommate Dini, and Dini’s boyfriend Frank. Both families threaten that this will become a new tradition. Timothy is looking forward to the new hotel planned for the town center…

Earlier this week, we made a chicken pot pie from scratch.

Have a great 2009!
